Dr Robin Saunders - Our lead consultant
Innervision Design offers a variety of hydrology reports to our clients in order to satisfy the Local Planning Authorities, the Environment Agency, or to meet the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM requirements.
Our lead consultant, Dr Robin Saunders, is a member of the British Hydrological Society. He developed Flood Risk Probability software for use within the industry and academia. He holds a Doctorate and a First class BEng with Honours degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Southampton.
We have undertaken flood risk assessment and SuDS design for many projects, which range from single dwellings to large residential and commercial developments with more than 300 units. We have successfully helped our clients to obtain planning permissions by addressing issues from the Environment Agency and Local Planning Authorities in a robust and methodological manner.
We are very responsive and fast in providing quotes and answering enquires. Please get in touch for a no-obligation fee quotation, or for a discussion about your project.
Flood Risk Assessment - FRA
- Flood Risk Assessment Reports to aid Planning Applications
- Flood Risk Assessment Reports to meet BREEAM requirements.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Design
- Surface Water Run-off Calculations and reports
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Design
- Soakaway Design